A Classic Movie for Grownups
It Happened One Night
Movies for Grownups happen once a month. We'll show a new release in the Hart Community Center. No one under 13 will be admitted without a grownup
- https://www.hartpubliclibrary.org/programs/calendar/a-classic-movie-for-grownups
- A Classic Movie for Grownups
- 2019-02-08T18:30:00-05:00
- 2019-02-08T21:00:00-05:00
- Movies for Grownups happen once a month. We'll show a new release in the Hart Community Center. No one under 13 will be admitted without a grownup
- When Feb 08, 2019 from 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-500)
- Where Hart Community Center
- Add event to calendar iCal